Malachite is a green copper carbonate mineral. It is part of the monolithic crystal system and has a silky lustre. Malachite is often used as an ore of copper. It has an opaque transparency and sometimes has a patterned surface. Malachite is a rich shade of green and its meaning is transformation and positive change.
The Historical Uses of Malachite
Hypnotic green swirls and a rich azurite mixture make the healing gemstone of Malachite pop. This dark emerald and glorious stone can send our imaginations shooting to forests of velvet green, soft spring days, lush mountains, and cool running waters. It is a stone that takes its name from the Greek word for malakos – meaning soft. While it is a stone that holds its strength, Malachite is a heart opener which may relate to how the Greeks came to gift this stone with its gentle title. The Greeks weren’t the only ones to fall for this swirled green stone, the Egyptians too were smitten and would often mine the green gem of the earth from the mines of Suez as far back as 4000 BC. Ever fans of the ornate and eye-catching, the Egyptians found a thousand uses for Malachite - from grounding it down to pigment for Cleopatra inspired eye shadow to adorning their wrists and necks with gleaming gems. As time ticked into the middle ages, Malachite hadn’t fallen by the wayside or lost its magic. It was taken by healers who soothe stomach ailments and to protect against curses and negative energies. To this very day, Malachite is still used in this protective way.
Malachite may have been uncovered in Egyptian mines, but the travellers stone can be found in all corners of the globe. From the snows of Russia to the crackling sun-scorched earth of Australia, Malachite has been pulled from the ground. Unsurprisingly, it is also found in some of the world’s most lush, earthly, and spiritual destinations like the depths of the Amazon Jungle and the near-vertical slopes of the Congo.
Having collected all the wisdom of the ages and the energy of the earth, Malachite is here to help us in times of transformation. For those ever ready to embrace new leaps or clinging to the edge of something, Malachite gifts you the strength to prune your inner branches and say yes to new growth. Let’s delve a little deeper and discover the healing properties of Malachite meaning.
Malachite Healing Properties A guardian of the heart, a healer of broken bones and blood pressure, and a protector from the toxic flow of negative energy – Malachite is a busy stone. Green colour gemstones always seem to have super strength powers and love connecting to the heart chakra. Malachite is no exception, and with its energetic properties, it does an amazing job in encouraging you to let go of old traumas and patterns and to step outside your comfort zone. Let’s take a look at all the ways Malachite can work its magic to balance your body, mind, and soul.
Physical Healing Properties
A favoured tool of alchemists and healers back in the day, Malachite has proven its worth over centuries when it comes to imparting wisdom on the body. It’s a stone known to keep blood pressure on the down low and its calming nature certainly helps this. Malachite also works in harmony with the bones, encouraging quick healing for broken bones, torn muscles, and problems with the joints. Thanks to its strong feminine energy, Malachite is also a stone that lends a hand to period problems like menstrual cramps and making the body flow in better harmony when it comes to labour pains. It has earnt its other name as the Midwife Stone. Malachite is an amazing stone at helping diminish fears, not just in an emotional way but also in helping the body deal with the pounding heart and sweats that can accompany resistance to change and phobias. This is perhaps how Malachite also earnt its reputation as being a talisman for travellers, particularly those who fear to step on airplanes or who suffer from travel sickness.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties
When it comes to emotional healing this is where Malachite amps up its powers. One of the strongest elements that flows from Malachite is its immense powers of protection. Malachite is all about flushing out toxic emotions, clearing away unwanted energies, and ensuring that those negative vibes stay 6 feet away at all times. It gives you courage, wisdom, and the ability to spot and say no to all kinds of emotional blackmail. It’s a stone that sends a warning bell when things aren’t as they seem, which in turn grants you the inner strength and confidence you need to know that no matter what, this stone will teach you how to have your own back without the paranoia. When it’s not busy sweeping the path of poor energy, Malachite is all about giving you the capacity to embrace change. It’s also known as the Stone of Transformation. Malachite gives you a daily dose of courage, invites you to step out of your comfort zone, and serves up a savvy reminder that to move forward in life, there are some things you may need to leave behind. It does this without letting go of empathy or losing balance, but somehow keeps you balanced, calm, and able to approach emotional decisions with ease and grace.
Metaphysical Properties
Like many of the light and dark green stones, Malachite is predominantly a heart chakra stone. When our heart chakras are blocked we struggle to show the full spectrum of our love and to let others in to share the gorgeous nature of our souls. Malachite goes straight to work on the heart chakra, removing the blocks so that beauty can flow. It doesn’t stop at the heart either, Malachite works across the chakras, strengthening your Solar Plexus Chakra so you are able to feel grounded and brimming with vitality. It’s a chi stirrer of a stone that’s for sure. It also taps into your Third Eye Chakra, where our infinite wisdom and our deepest intuition sit. When our Third Eye is clear to open, it means that we are leaping higher spiritually and that’s when magic can be manifested and psychic visions even have a chance to seep in.
Zodiac Birthstone
When it comes to connections to the cosmos and zodiac signs, Malachite is an amazing birthstone for Scorpios and Capricorns. Scorpios have an ever-changing flow of energy (all part of being a water sign) and Malachite knows how to keep you firmly protected as you sweep down all these different rivers. It’s a journey stone, and Scorpios seem ever to be heading out on some adventure – whether physically into the big wide world or on a more spiritual level. Scorpio is also the sign of passion and is linked to the image of the phoenix being born once more from the ashes. With all that we know about the Malachite crystal and its connection with protection from the evil eye, we cannot think of a better stone to represent that. It’s a stone that taps into the Solar Plexus where the fiery energy of sexual liberation sits. It’s also a stone about embracing change and transformation and rising, rising, rising – no matter which way the tide is turning. Capricorns too, love the glimmering green and black swirls of Malachite. Sometimes Capricorns can be a little reigned in and Malachite serves up its amazing energy to encourage this sign to step outside of their comfort zone with ease and take a risk or two to help them grow as a person. It cuts out the squashing down of suppressed feelings and instead counteracts depressive feelings with good vibes, imaginative sparks, and an unmatched feeling of inner strength.
How to Use Malachite Strong, vibrant, and a welcome pop of colour to any outfit or room, Malachite is always a welcome force in life. It’s an incredible stone for meditation, it’s amazing when chosen as gemstone jewellery, and it looks great when woven into any kind of Feng Shui home design. Take a look at all the ways to harness the healing power of Malachite in your life.
Home & Office
Energy and protection radiate from the glimmering green stone of Malachite. For those who want to keep their home and hearth protected from bad juju, it’s a great stone to place at the front door or in any kind of entryway to stop those negative vibes directly in their tracks. Another amazing use for Malachite in the home is to stir up energy in stagnant places. If you have been not getting your fix in the bedroom, then it could make sense to place Malachite close to the bed to bring a new wave of action. If you are struggling to get creative in your workspace, then having the radiant vibes of Malachite on your desk can help you to pick up the pace and make something great.
Ancient Greeks and Egyptians adored the spectacular colour of Malachite when worked into jewellery. It has such a regal air about it and looks glorious when paired with every different skin tone and hair colour. Green is without a doubt, one of the most versatile and flattering shades, especially when lifted with the gleam of copper carbonate. Beyond the aesthetic beauty, Malachite makes for an amazing jewellery choice as it’s the best way to get all those incredible vibrations directly from stone to skin. Skin contact with healing crystals is important if you want to get the most out of your stone. With a Malachite bracelet you are able to invite healing vibes, energy, and protection directly into your pulse – which will then send healing waves right across the body. Amp up the energy of your Malachite stone by pairing it with other stones that complement its nature. Lapis Lazuli and Chrysocolla love to be in the company of Malachite, as does Tourmaline and Hematite. The latter two stones are extremely well known in crystal healings for being as powerfully protective as a coat of armour. Agate is another great stone for hanging out with Malachite and together they form a powerful life-giving elixir for the immune system.
How to Cleanse your Malachite Stone
All healing gemstones love to be cleansed and recharged now and then, especially Malachite as it’s hard work trying to tend to all those negative vibes. Keeping your Malachite cleansed is simple, effective, and ensures it stays at the very top of its power game. All it calls for is some warm soapy water and a soft cloth to remove the traces. Wash your Malachite every few weeks or after a particularly taxing day or week if you feel the need. Keeping it cleansed will keep the stone happy and those vibrations riding high.
If you feel your Malachite stone could use a little pick me up then you can recharge it in a few ways. Malachite loves nature and it craves the kiss of earth from time to time. Place it in the garden, beneath a tree, or even bury it in the earth for a night to let it soak up Mother Nature’s spirit. If you prefer to keep it clean, then you can also place it with some geode crystal clusters to amp its energy back up or leave it in sun or moonlight for a few hours. If placing in sunlight, don’t leave it too long as this may lead to the vibrant hues fading. Never use salt on your Malachite stone as this can damage the smooth texture.
Malachite is a stone that everyone needs in their life. Not only is it gorgeous, soaked in history, and hardworking when it comes to making you feel great, but it's also a true companion stone. For those who are tired of feeling vulnerable out there and are sick of sub-consciously resisting the flow of change, think of Malachite as your sword and shield. It's always ready to show you what you need to know but does it in such a nurturing way that good vibes will suddenly just start to follow you around. Who doesn’t want more joy, more beauty, and the simple pleasure of feeling cared for? Thanks for all you do Malachite.
When they first meet, King Mosi is a new pharaoh and Hemira is twenty-one-year-old. She was born in Nubia, south of Egypt, and was brought to the temple by her mother at the age of six. By the time she was eighteen years old, she had completed her training and was initiated as a Priestess, wise beyond her years with well-developed Sybil gifts of clairvoyance and telepathy, which have not gone unnoticed. When King Mosi needs accurate outcomes, he summons the High Priest to bring his best Sybil to the palace for him to test. That is Hemira, a strikingly tall young lady, slim and elegant in appearance with high cheekbones, and full black lips, her hair strong like rope with tight coils, and her complexion the colour of charcoal, matt and smooth in texture. She is absolutely stunning!
An excerpt from my latest novel The Oracle of Eshe: Serial