Since the beginning of time people have been turning to crystals to get their healing fix. These are the treasures of Mother Earth, glittering gems, stones and rock crystals born from elemental energy. In one shimmer, they can capture the sun, moon, salt seas, soil and mountains and they can transmute all that healing power back to us. Healing crystals have a long history — they have adorned the breastplates of priests and warriors, been used in shamanic service, have been guiding lights for ancient tribes, and have been stashed in the pockets of princesses, sailors, and healers.
In the modern world, these potent stones hold so much power. As time ticks on they only grow more potent and can be a hugely valuable asset for helping us to reconnect to the natural world. They help us to channel our intentions, raise our vibrations, and can bring out all that dormant grace, beauty and magic you already have stashed inside. Remember, everything in life holds a vibration and if we can match our inner vibrations to the things we want in this world, we may be able to manifest them into our lives. Crystals can help to bridge that gap with their cleansing potential and positive vibrations. These little glittering stones of magic also invite us to clear the mind, sit in meditation, and ruminate on how we can calm our monkey minds and step into deeper healing.
How Crystals are Formed in the Earth
Crystals go through an incredible geological process in the earth. The combination of heat, compression, and millions of years can do some incredible things!
How to Choose Your Stone
With so many crystals out there how do you choose the one that works for you? One of the most important lessons we can learn from crystal healing is to tap into our own intuition and go back to the gut. Our bodies and minds are inherently connected and are equally a part of this universe. If you want to know which crystal works for you, simply see which one calls to you. Even reading a short blurb about a crystal or looking at a picture – some will stand out and echo to you more than others. Take this as a sign from the universe that this is the crystal that can gift you something special. We also usually know a little about our own strengths and weaknesses, and we can use the specific traits of gemstones to help balance us out and work on the areas we feel we need a little extra help. If you feel really overwhelmed and at a loss, you can also use your Zodiac sign to help guide you towards a crystal that can bring you luminous light and huge healing properties.
Once this stage of the healing ritual is completed, she stands at the head of the King and places the palms of her hands against his temples and beams life-restoring power back into the King. An electric circuit begins to run through his body. As the energy connects with the Herkimer diamond crystal, it releases its powerful healing force, energised by the Alpha and the Omega.
An excerpt from my latest novel The Oracle of Eshe: Serial