A wonderful Story
The Oracle of Eshe: Serial delivers a message for humanity through a tale of ancient Egypt. You have to read this book with an open mind as it talks about life in a way that some may see as hyper spirituality. There are truths spoken throughout the story. These truths resonate with where we are today as people and as a society. If we could all find our Soul Tribe, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place to live. Being able to see that part of ourselves that allows for true inner peace and love is the struggle that most humans experience. As some of the characters in the book find, what life means for you is yours. Life will always bring a balance of the good and the bad. What we do with it all is what shapes us.
In this book, C.C. Castell creates a world that we can envision with believable characters. While reading the story, I felt that this Egypt was real, so the people in it had to be as well. There are twists in the storyline that kept me reading. I read all night into the wee hours of the morning to finish the book. I had to know where this was all going and was mildly surprised by the ending. Then again, not so much. The action is of the dramatic type and not less fulfilling. The romantic elements work because of how the characters relate to one another. The author defines love and relationships in many ways throughout the story.
The characters in the book are endearing and engaging. I love that King Mosi is a wise, compassionate king who is also a warrior. He takes care of himself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so that he can be the best ruler and the kind of ruler he feels his people deserve. The Grand Sybil, Hemira, is incredible! I could benefit from having someone like her in my life! Her grand-daughter, Mahra, and great grand-daughter, Eshe, were my favorite characters. I love Mahra for her independence, honesty, and vulnerability. I loved the way that Eshe accepted herself and who she was to humankind. These women exude a strength of mind and purpose that you do not see often portrayed in female characters. What's even better about the book is that those characters that are not good people receive fair judgment and treatment in the end — another lesson for humanity.
I sincerely hope this book reaches the people who need its lessons and truths. I found the story uplifting and renewing. I found much in this book that my heart and mind needed. I hope others do as well.
Great Collection
The world created within this book really brings you in and makes the characters believable. I loved the twists and turns present through all three series. Each character from Shukura to King Mosi and to Mahra brings to life the world of Ancient Egypt and what you face depending on your status.
Good Worldbuilding
I enjoyed the story. It has great reality full of magical creatures. Interesting plot and well developed strong character. All together a really good read. I wander what comes next?